Department of Sport management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
Background and Objectives: Virtual teaching of physical education has faced many challenges for teachers. The aim of the present study is to provide a physical education curriculum model for schools in the post-COVID era and offer solutions. Methods: The specific objective of this research was to explore and assess the identified challenges of physical education classes in schools during the virus outbreak and post-COVID period, following the Strauss and Corbin's (1990) model. The present study adopted a postmodern research paradigm. The research approach used in this study was qualitative, and the strategy employed was phenomenology, which in turn was guided by the Grounded Theory and the hidden content analysis tactic. The research was conducted through field studies. In the initial stage, the statistical population of the research consisted of all professors and sports management experts who had research experience in physical education curriculum planning, as well as all physical education teachers and experts in physical education at the Tehran Department of Education. The sampling method was purposeful and snowball sampling was used until theoretical saturation was reached. Fifteen participants were selected through non-probability purposive and snowball sampling, and data collection was done through in-depth and semi-structured interviews in response to the research questions. The interviews continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. Findings: The results revealed that the most proposed strategies by the experts were categorized into three groups: improving virtual teaching facilities and infrastructures for physical education classes, adopting innovative teaching approaches for this subject, and enhancing motivation and attitudes among students, teachers, and parents. Conclusion: In conclusion, based on the identified challenges and the proposed solutions, it can be said that the existing recommendations can be utilized to improve physical education teaching in schools.
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Rahimizadeh, M., karami, Z., & Nazarian Madvani, A. (2023). Presenting a physical education lessons curriculum model in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-corona period. Research in Sport Sciences Education (RISSE), 1(2), 21-30.
Meysam Rahimizadeh; zahra karami; Abbas Nazarian Madvani. "Presenting a physical education lessons curriculum model in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-corona period". Research in Sport Sciences Education (RISSE), 1, 2, 2023, 21-30.
Rahimizadeh, M., karami, Z., Nazarian Madvani, A. (2023). 'Presenting a physical education lessons curriculum model in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-corona period', Research in Sport Sciences Education (RISSE), 1(2), pp. 21-30.
Rahimizadeh, M., karami, Z., Nazarian Madvani, A. Presenting a physical education lessons curriculum model in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-corona period. Research in Sport Sciences Education (RISSE), 2023; 1(2): 21-30.