Acute Garlic supplementation in order to improve aerobic ‎performance: comparison of different three doses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of sport science, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Teaching University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Science, Guilan university, Rasht, Iran


Background and Objectives: In order to improve exercise performances, athletes commonly benefit from nutritional ‎supplementation. A few studies have considered the proper dosage of these supplements. The ‎focus of this study is to investigate the effects of the deferent doses of garlic, on aerobic ‎performance, as a recommended supplement.‎
Methods: Fifteen men in the range of 19 to 21 years old, volunteered to take part in this study. They came ‎to the exercise physiology lab fasting, for four sessions, with a rest week between each two ‎sessions and took one of the 500, 750, 1000 mg of garlic or placebo. After four hours resting, ‎each subject performed Broce aerobic test. Blood pressure and heart rate measured, fasting, ‎before test and after test, and the time of test recorded for each subject. ‎
Findings: Along the used doses of garlic, only the dose of 1000 mg could improve aerobic performance on ‎treadmill (p<0.05). As well as, 4 hours after taking 1000 mg garlic, resting blood pressure was ‎reduced by 0.8 mmHg and there was a positive effect on heart rate response to exercise, ‎significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Athletes needs to consider the proper dose of garlic, if they want to ‎benefit from garlic supplementation.‎


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